Version Release Notes

Release Date: 2/20/2014

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software release on 2/20/2014.

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Financial Reports Release Notes

FSS Release Notes

Inspections Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes

Section 8 Inspections Release Notes

Tenant Accounts Receivable Release Notes

TenDocs Release Notes

Work Orders Release Notes

Accounts Payable

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added the "1099 Required" field to the Payables Invoice Account Distribution data source in Scribe. (Case 5213)

Financial Reports

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have made a major framework enhancement that allows you to create and modify Financial Report Writer reports using Scribe. (Cases 11542, 11610, and 11611)

Note: Training for your staff will be required before you can use this new feature. Please be on the lookout for upcoming training announcements.


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Reports

1. The FSS Certification Discrepancy Report was incorrectly including inactive participants. This has been corrected. (Case 11196)
2. FSS Escrow interest did not always post for very small amounts (cents). This has been corrected. (Case 1648)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. The Schedule Inspections screen would return an "index was out of range" error after you selected multiple inspections in the right hand calendar, right-clicked, and set a new Follow Up Date, Status, or Inspector for them. This has been corrected. (Case 11609)

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have added four Special Program Codes for the 50058, which were recently announced by HUD for the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) program: RADMR, RADPH, RADRP, and RADRS. We have also removed four obsolete non-elderly disabled (NED) program codes: MFDES, MS1, PA, and PHDES. (Case 11157)
2. We have updated Form HUD-50058 with its new expiration date from HUD. (Case 11626)


1. We have added the Location Census Tract field to the ORC Tenants with S8 Information data source in Scribe. (Case 11135)
2. We have added the Handicap and Disabled fields to the ORC Tenant data source in Scribe. (Case 11557)

Bug Reports

1. We corrected the following issue related to multiple Max Rent tables: The Setup area of ORC allows for multiple Max Rents, for different sites and/or bedroom sizes. However, the system would recognize only the first entry in Setup for all Max Rent calculations. This has been corrected, so that Max Rents now calculate correctly based on data area, bedroom size, and the site code as determined by the assigned project. (Case 11371)
2. When you are making an eTrans record on the eTrans tab of the Tenant Detail screen, we have corrected the label of the date field to read "eTrans Date," instead of "Submission Date." (Case 7742)
3. When conducting a Tenant Screening (from the Person screen in WinTen²⁺), a physical address is required, and the system returns an error if there is no physical address entered for the person. We have corrected this error message, so that it now instructs the user to enter a physical address. (Case 972)


WinTen² Program Version:


1. We have updated Form 941, Employer’s QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, with the IRS changes for 2014. We have added the new foreign address fields on the Employer Information tab of the Federal Form 941 screen. On the Payment and Liability tab, we have disabled the COBRA fields, which do not apply for 2014. (Case 11602)
2. We have added support for filing state W-2s electronically (state EFW2) in the states of Alabama and Kentucky. (Cases 2453 and 2454)
3. We have updated electronic filing of W-2s (state EFW2) for Maryland, based on changes reported by that state. (Case 11400)

Bug Reports

1. Middle names were incorrect on printed W-2s. This has been corrected. (Case 11366)
2. W-2s did not print in any particular order. This has been corrected, so that they now print in Last Name, First Name order. (Case 11421)

Section 8 Inspections

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added support for risk-based inspections, which are allowed under the Moving to Work program. (Case 11493)

Agencies implementing risk-based inspections can rate landlords in the Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program with a numerical star rating of 1 through 5 (with 5 being those having the highest rate for passed inspections). This star rating must be entered in Big Gen Field 1, which is available from the Custom Report Writer Fields icon on the Landlord Data tab of the Maintain Landlords screen.

To display this rating for inspections, we have added it as the Star Rating field to the WinTen²⁺ Schedule Inspections screen. (The Star Rating field is available from the Column Chooser for the left hand grid.)

Tenant Accounts Receivable

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:


1. We have added the Tenant Accounts Receivable Reports screen in WinTen²⁺. It is available from the Home menu: Tenant Accounts Receivable > Reports. (Case 11618)


WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. In TenDocs Quick Load for WinTen²⁺, an error was occurring when archiving documents in the Household category. The first Household document processed after opening the Quick Load screen would archive correctly. However, other documents, if archived without first closing and reopening the screen, would not link correctly to the selected household member. This has been corrected. (Case 11536)

Work Orders

WinTen²⁺ Program Version:

Bug Report

1. A bug kept buildings with no units from being selected for Preventive Maintenance. This has been corrected. (Case 7941)

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An MRI Software Company